liaisons arquivos |
Designing Business Documents é uma ótima referência de tipografia para leigos, editado pela Monotype mas atualmete esgotado, está disponível na web graças a Mark Barratt. [21.10.02]
Faleceu sábado, dia 19, Miguel Forte, arquiteto, professor, um dos autores do projeto do edifício sede do IAB em São Paulo. [19.10.02]
[...] I have now been in the B.B.C. about 6 months. Shall remain in it if the political changes I forsee come off, otherwise probably not. Its atmosphere is something halfway between a girls' school and a lunatic asylum, and all we are doing at present is useless, or slightly worse than useless. Our radio strategy is even more hopeless than our military strategy. Nevertheless one rapidly becomes propaganda-minded and delvelops a cunning one did not previously have. E.g. I am regularly alleging on all my newsletters that the Japanese are plotting to attack Russia. I don't believe this to be so, but the calculation is: If the Japanese do attack Russia, we can say 'I told you so'. If the Russians attack first, we can, having built up the picture of a Japanese plot beforehand, pretend that it was the Japanese who started it. If no war breaks out after all, we can claim that it is because the Japanese are too frightened of Russia. All propaganda is lies, even when one is telling the truth. I don't think this matters so long as one knows what one is doing, and why... On 11 March 1943 I started the rumour that beer is to be rationed, and told it to 3 different people. I shall be interested to see at what date this rumour comes back to me. (30 May 1942. Never came back. So this casts no light on the way in which rumours come into being.)[...] [War-time Diary 14 March 1942] [8.10.02] lugaralgum / liaisons / blog / Alexandre Villares |